International Cycling Conference 2017, Mannheim, Germany

On: July 18, 2017
In: Conference
Views: 1747

We will participate in the 2017 International Cycling Conference (ICC) to be held September 19th to 21st, 2017 in Mannheim, Germany.

Huemer, A. K., Oehl, M., & Brandenburg, S. (2017, September). Cyclists’ Anger Experience in Road Traffic: From Anger Provoking Incidents to Developing a Cycling Anger Experience Measure. Poster at the ICC – International Cycling Conference 2017, Mannheim, Germany.

The International Cycling Conference (ICC) is an interdisciplinary and international conference organized by the German Environment Agency (UBA). Together with our partners from PASTA (Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Approaches) and THE PEP (Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme) as well as the City of Mannheim, ECF, Difu and GIZ, the ICC is a three-day event organized to highlight the role of active mobility from an international perspective. The event will focus on synergies in transport planning, health care, environmental quality, economic and business development, as well as social issues and above all the exchange of knowledge and experience from research to practice and vice versa.