
  • Welcome to the Institute for Engineering Psychology and Experience Design (i-e-e) – Human Factors Research and Consulting …

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    We provided smart solutions for smooth Human-Machine Interactions!

    Scientifically based we did human factors research and consulting in all areas of engineering psychology and experience design, e.g., social robotics, emotional interfaces, or user-centered HMI. Our multidisciplinary team of experts and our rich method portfolio brought up the best solutions for your HMI problems and thereby for your users and customers.

    Learn more about our work in the following or take a look at our publications.


What we do

  • Human-Centered HMI

  • Emotional Interfaces

  • Special User Groups

  • Cross-Cultural Evaluation

Clients and Partners

  • NTU-Logo

    Nanyang Technological University

    Transport Research Centre

  • Leuphana-Logo

    Leuphana University Lüneburg

    Psychological Decision Research and Methods

  • dhp

    German Police University

    Traffic Science and Traffic Psychology

  • UnivOfTokyo_logo

    The University of Tokyo

    Department of Systems Innovation


  • Anne-Lange

    Anne Lange

    Dr. phil., M.A. Management and Entrepreneurship, B.Sc. Psychology

  • WiebkeMelcher

    Wiebke Melcher


  • Oehl, Michael

    Michael Oehl

    Dipl.-Psych., Design Thinking (UVA)

    Founder & former Director

  • J.Reiser

    Julian E. Reiser

    M.Sc. Psychology, B.Sc. Business Psychology


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